Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Walgreens & Publix Shopping Trips 2/3/10

I must admit, today I hit a personal best.

Couponing at the degree that I do requires some strategy, and let's just say that my strategy worked even better than I could have imagined.

My first stop was to Walgreens, where I spent $33 but earned $42 in Register Rewards (more on that later this week). Those Register Rewards (RRs) are labeled as manufacturer coupons, so after I finished up at Walgreens I ran to Publix to do some grocery shopping using the RRs along with my regular coupons.

And at Publix....brace grand total out-of-pocket expense was....oh dear Lord the suspense....if you could have seen the look on my face (ecstasy!).....35 cents.

Wait, maybe you didn't read that correctly? Perhaps I'm mistaken, you may think to yourselves. Well I've got proof!

Here's what I bought at Walgreens:

And my receipt:

Then off to Publix I ran, giddy with excitement to spend my RRs!
The spoils of my adventures:

The folks around me actually clapped! I mean real applause! I would have taken a bow if I hadn't been doing my crazy giggle (I sound possessed, it's a weird sort of I'm-so-pleased-with-myself kind of giggle)!
Check it out:

I literally had to dig around in my purse for change to hand the cashier! Woo-hoo!

Are you a believer yet?


  1. How did you do it Ashley.. I need step by step. Because my brain is mush. Ugh.
