Monday, February 22, 2010

Walgreens 2/22: Spent $1.67, made a PROFIT of $16.33!

New to coupon shopping at Walgreens? Check out my Wags 101 post here.

There's some good news and some bad news...

Bad news is I may have to start going to a new Walgreen's location. I went to my super-convenient location today (Hwy 50) and the entire time the cashier was ringing me up she complained about couponers! Here's the thing, I know there are scammers out there, but I'm an honest couponer and I purchase A LOT of items at that location! Do I expect special treatment, no. Do I expect my cashier to at least be polite to me, only if they want me to continue to spend my money there.

I literally only bought half of what I planned to because of that, and ended up driving to the location on Barna to finish my shopping trip. The cashier there was super-nice and even thanked me for coupon shopping there!

(Expect a post soon on why stores should love us couponers!)

And now for the good news!

Take a look at what I bought for $1.67 OOP:

As you can see I took advantage of the Vicks deal that I posted about here, as well as an Excedrin deal that I'll explain.

To purchase all of the items pictured I did 4 separate transactions and tried to pay for as many as I could with RRs that I already had.

My first transaction consisted of:

4 bottles of Nyquil $5.49 each = $21.96
2 boxes of Puffs with Vicks on sale 3/$5 = $1.67 each = $3.34
1 bottle of Excedrin Menstrual Relief on sale 2/$5 = $2.50
2 boxes instant pudding 3/$1 = $.33 each = $.66
1 package Ramen noodles $.22

I used the following coupons:
4 x $1.50 off 1 Nyquil or Dayquil from the 2/7 or 2/21 P&G insert = $6 in savings
1 x $2 off 1 bottle of Excedrin (any style) from here
2 x FREE Puffs w/ Vicks WYB 2 Vicks products (two boxes of tissues for FREE)

I paid for nearly all of my transaction with RRs, and since you have to have the same number of items as MQs (and RRs are MQs) I had to buy some filler items. Remember, a filler item is a very inexpensive item (like pudding or Ramen noodles) that you can use to even out your ratio of items to coupons.

Because I spent at least $20 in Vicks products the register printed a $10 RR, as well as a $2 RR for the Excedrin! I already made a hefty profit (over $11!) but I wanted MORE!

This week Walgreen's is offering a $2 RR when you buy (WYB) 1 bottle of Excedrin Menstrual Relief caplets.

Even though it isn't specifically pictured in the ad, this product is on sale this week 2/$5, so it's already a great deal at $.50 after RR. Keep in mind the Menstrual Relief is the only type of Excedrin that is included in the 2/$5 sale that also triggers a RR. I also wasted 10 minutes searching the 'feminine needs' aisle for this product, with no luck. I finally found it with the regular Excedrin toward the bottom shelf of the display. It wasn't marked with the sale price, but I had the cashier double-check the price before I rang anything up.

Combine the RR deal with the following coupons to make this a MONEYMAKER:

Save $1 on Excedrin Menstrual Relief here
Save $2 on any Excedrin product here
Save $2 on any Excedrin product here (just make sure you answer Excedrin!)
Save $1 on any Excedrin 20ct+ from the 1/3 SS insert

Using any of the above coupons will make a PROFIT, and remember that all of the internet printable coupons can be printed twice. After it prints the first time, hit the back button on your browser and then 'yes' when it asks if you would like to resend the information.

My next 3 transactions were all the same. Each consisted of 1 bottle of Excedrin combined with one of the above mentioned coupons. Again I paid for each with a RR that I already had, and because I used a MQ and a RR I also bought an individual mint for $.05 to even out my ratio.

After all was said and done my total OOP was $1.67. I used $19 in RRs from previous transactions and walked out with $18 in RRs to use on either my next Wags trip or groceries at Publix. :)

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